SoccerLab and Panega Sports are now part of the EDGE10 Group

Your solution for :
Traditional Sports
we develop better athletes
by making sports organizations data-driven
Our 4 promises :
to deliver a full solution for athlete development
to provide tools for every department, and to facilitate cross-departmental collaboration
to create a better follow-up on performance, and to shorten communication lines
to objectify decision making
Don’t take our word for it
Panega offers us the means to guarantee a centrally coordinated medical top sport policy, based on very fast symptom detection and close monitoring.
This makes Belgium one of the leading countries in the world in this field.
Dr. Johan Bellemans
Chief Medical Officer
Sofie Debaere
Project Lead elite sports & science
Sport Vlaanderen
The top sports policy in Belgium is very tailor made and flexible, with an eye for each individual athlete. Panega fits perfectly in this picture.
Olav Spahl
Director Elite Sport
By collecting all data about the top athlete on one central platform, the multidisciplinary team around the top athlete can collaborate better.
Steven Van Beylen
Coordinator elite sports
G-Sport federation Parantee-Psylos
The cooperation with the passionate and driven people of Panega leads to a very meaningful project, with which we can take a huge step forward in the elite sports sector.
Tom Coeckelberghs
Head of department elite sports
Sport Vlaanderen